Leaders for Leaders
Members of our staff and discipleship council are available to meet with you or your group. We are experienced leaders here to support leaders. If you need coaching, mentoring, prayer, or a listening ear, we can meet with you online or in-person to discuss starting a group, troubleshooting a problem, or talking through some ideas. Email us at disciplelife@mountpisgah.org and we can provide you support.
Be Discipled
Jesus is inviting you to come and follow Him. He summons you to “trade-in your ALL for one great pearl” (Matthew 13:45-46) and to prepare yourself to reach God’s world. It is a call for you to become the man or woman God intended for you to be. Respond to His invitation by committing to a small group focused on this purpose. At Mount Pisgah, we call these Discipleship groups.
A Discipleship group is a safe place to be transparent, grow spiritually, and become equipped to invest in others. Joining a Discipleship group is an invitation to study Jesus’ model, develop spiritual disciplines and learn new skills for disciple-making. During the time of your group, you will be challenged to examine every area of your life in the light of the Scriptures so that you may emerge as a man or woman after God’s own heart.
Discipleship groups meet weekly through the school year and sporadically over the summer. An equipped leader facilitates Bible-based teachings with typically 4-6, same-gender believers. These closed groups meet at a variety of times and stay together for an average of 3 years. To learn more or get involved, contact us at disciplelife@mountpisgah.org